1 Name, in order, the five eras of history and why they


Prehistory. It started when the first homo sapiens appeared.

Ancient age. It started in the 4000 B.C, with the first writing


Middle ages. It started in the 476 A.D with the fall of the Roman


Modern age. It started in 1492 A.D with the discover of America.

Contemporary times. It started in 1789 A.D with the begining of the

 French Revolution.

2 Which two revolutions took place during the 18th Century?

The Industrial and the French Revolution.

3 Why was it easier for Napoleon to invade Spain?

Because Carlos IV let Napoleon cross Spain to invade


4 Which important event took place the 2nd May 1808?

The beginning of the War of Independence in Spain against

the French army ( Napoleon)

5 Which countries fought in the War of Independence?

Spain and France fought in the War of Independence.

6 When was the first Spanish Constitution signed? In which act?

In 1812. It was the Constitution of Cadiz.  

7 Which name did this first constitution receive? As c

It was called “La Pepa” .

8 What happened in Spain during the reign of Fernando

 VII of Bourbon?

He abolished the Constitution of Cadiz and restored the

 absolute monarchy. This caused political disorder and

 internal fights. Colonies became independent.

9 Why did Fernando VII change the law of succession to

 the throne?

Because the law of succession accorded that only men

 could be kings. He had two daughters and no sons, and

 want Isabel to be the Queen.

10 Why did the I Carlist War break out?

Because Carlos Maria Isidro de Borbon, 

the brother of Fernando VII thought that he should

 became king.

11 What does parliamentary monarchy mean? Who was

 the first parliamentary Spanish king?

It means that the king exercises the function of head of

 state under the control of the parliament.

    Isabel II.

12 What's a Republic?

A form of government where there is no king. The

 parliament has all the power.

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